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  with just a little touch of Australiana


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Let me give you simple yummy recipes, hints to make life easier in and around the home and tips to overcome some of those "unsolvable" problems that have worried you for ages.


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Maybe you want to know how to keep vegetables and fruit fresher longer or do you need a quick yummy dessert or appertiser for those unexpected guests.


Weevils in the pantry,  ants in and around the house or are your seedlings being eaten by snails then visit the pest control page for environmentally friendly solutions to these and other pest problems.


Need to know how to remove that red wine stain on the carpet, ballpoint pen mark on your blouse or perhaps the mud on the carpets dragged in by the children or the pets.


Want to know about Australia's unique slang - known as Strine, Australia's animals, birds and reptiles or maybe just the wonderful Australian countryside locally referred to as "The Bush"


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John's House  

Recipe of the Week 

Carrot Cake (lovely with coffee)

Visit the Recipe page for the ingredients
and instructions how to make this yummy cake.


This is the real important part

If you have a tip, hint, recipe or information relative to the theme of this site why not share it with others.  Simply send me an email with the item/s and indicate whether you want your first name, city or email address published or if you wish anonymity.  I would also love to hear from you with comments about this site.


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This page designed and submitted by John from Western Australia.


  This page was updated on 06 February 2001